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Religious Accommodations


Do your sincerely held religious beliefs necessitate a workplace accommodation? Has your employer denied a request for such an accommodation or mistreated you for making such a request?


Call today for a free consultation -- the Law Office of Jeffrey J. Kmoch may be able to help.

Employers' policies cannot be used to broadly deny workers of faith equal employment opportunities. 


Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) both require employers to consider reasonable accommodations with respect to their employees’ sincerely held religious beliefs.  


Common workplace accommodations for religious beliefs include modifications to dress code or grooming policies, changes to work schedules, excused absences from certain programs, changes to work duties, use of private space for prayer or other religious observances, and allowing certain religious expression or proselytizing at the workplace.

Employees are not only entitled to reasonable workplace accommodations for their sincerely held religious beliefs but are also protected from discrimination on the basis of those beliefs.

Attorney Jeffrey Kmoch has experience litigating and counseling on matters involving workplace accommodations for sincerely held religious beliefs.  If you believe you need a workplace accommodation for your sincerely held religious beliefs, have been denied such an accommodation, or believe you have been mistreated by your employer in connection with a request for such an accommodation, call today for a free consultation.

Statutes of limitations and deadlines to file administrative agency charges apply to claims associated with accommodations for religious beliefs, so time may be of the essence.



1016 W. Jackson Blvd., #27

Chicago, IL 60607

(312) 547-1870


Visits are by appointment only. 

No walk-ins accepted.

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All rights reserved. 


The information on this website is not legal advice and viewing this site, using information from it, or communicating with The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Kmoch through this site does not create an attorney-client relationship. 


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